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What to Do After Recovering From COVID-19 to Stay Healthy?The COVID-19 disease (coronavirus) is caused by a virus. It harms your respiratory system in case of mild or serious infection. 18-March-2025

The COVID-19 disease (coronavirus) is caused by a virus. It harms your respiratory system in case of mild or serious infection. In the post-infection period, even a person with a mild infection must be observant because they can experience health conditions systems caused by the pandemic. Feeling lethargic exhausted or tired is normal after battling with the dreadful virus.

Life after Recovery from Coronavirus Pandemic

You must continue to take care of your health even after you have successfully eliminated all infections to be fully cured.

Take a Healthy Diet

Food builds a healthy way to recover. The right food will help regain strength in a few days. Add protein-rich food as it will help your body to heal.  Include legumes, lentil soup, boiled eggs, seeds, chicken stew in your diet. Eat small servings to make digestion easier. Also, eating at least one fruit day will help. To remain hydrated, drinking plenty of water is necessary.

Take full rest

Some studies have revealed that even though COVID-19 systems go away, the virus may still be present in your body. That’s why, healthcare experts recommend to remain isolated for another 7 days after recovery.

  • It is advisable to take full rest after recovery. This will allow you to fully concentrate on recovery.
  • Get enough sleep. Your body increases the healing process while you sleep.
  • Avoid returning to your normal routine life immediately after you recover.
  • Coming back to normal life and get engaged in too much work make you fall, feel fatigue, and anxiety.

Play Memory Games

COVID-19 causes death to your neural cells and brain. So, it is good to play memory games such as Crossword, Sukoku, Mathdoku, Jigjaw and others to prevent any possible memory problems. Another benefit of memory game is that you will not feel bored or irritable during isolation.

Measure the Oxygen Level

Find below step-by-step guide to use a pulse oximeter.

1.      Remove false nail or nail polish and warn your hand if cold.

2.      Wait for at least 5 minutes before performing measurement.

3.      Rest your hand on check at heart level. And hold it sill.

4.      Switch on and place the oxymeter on your index or middle finger. 

5.      Keep the oximeter place for a minimum of one minute or longer if the reading is not stable. In general, reading may take time to steady.

6.      Record the highest result once it has not changed for 5 seconds.

7.      It is good to identify each reading carefully.

Please note that you start recording from baseline. Doctor recommends to record three times a day at the same time. If you feel a change in your health, take extra measures. Also, dial 1075 if you feel seriously ill, or you are unable to complete the short sentences while resting or the oxymeter shows your oxygen level 92% or less. 

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is important for a quick recovery. Work out to increase blood supply and oxygen level. Exercising will aids in the detoxification of your body. The brain will produce more pleasure hormones that will keep you feeling better that you need after contracting coronavirus disease. Note that overworking will carry negative impact. So, take advice about exercise from your health experts.

Monitor Other Signs and Symptoms

Coronavirus is harmful in the long run. So, you need to be vigilant. The pandemic may harm heart and lungs. If you feel shortness of breath, warn flushes, chest rightness, it is good to consult a doctor right away.

Key Takeaway

When you are discharged from the hospital, file a compensation claim with your health insurance company. For this, you need to full out the reimbursement claim form and send the required documents, such as hospital bill payment receipts, test results, investigation, and doctor’s prescription. Your insurance company will verify the claim and then reimburse your claim. Remember, a health insurance plan is the necessity to deal with today’s situation. It’s a boon to battle with financial needs at the time of hospitalization due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Disclaimer: This article has been written in the public interest. It is meant for only general information purposes. You can or cannot rely on the article contents as conclusive and research further or consult an expert in this regard.