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Precautionary Measures after Taking Both Doses of COVID-19 VaccineAfter such a long stressful encounter with the coronavirus pandemic, we are finally getting vaccines and relieved.18-March-2025

After such a long stressful encounter with the coronavirus pandemic, we are finally getting vaccines and relieved. COVID-19 vaccine is important as it protects against the deadly coronavirus. All those vaccines available in India are carefully clinical trials – a phase of research that focuses on the safety of a drug. When a person gets two shots, he or she makes the infection less severe in case they come in contact with a covid-19 patient.

As you get jabbed at your turn, it is important to practice the safety protocols after the vaccination. Below are some effective tips as you need to practice after you are vaccinated.

Valuable Tips to Follow After Vaccination:

After First Vaccine Dose

  • Stay Seated – After you get your first shot at the vaccination center, stay seated there for 15-30 minutes so that health staff can monitor you for any immediate reactions. If you are feeling nausea, dizzy, vomiting or any allergic reaction; report it to the health workers.
  • Drink Fluids – It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids and keep your body hydrated after getting the vaccine dose. Also, do remember to avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Soothe Arms- If you are having inflammation in your vaccinated arm, soothe it by placing a wet or cool cloth on the area. You can also swing your arm to cool down the inflammation.
  • Take Paracetamol- Since your body is building immune protection after the vaccine dose, you may experience some minor side effects which may go away in one or two days. These minor side effects depending on your body may be pain and redness at the site of injection, headache, mild fever, chills, body ache, fatigue joint and muscle pain. Taking paracetamol in these symptoms is suggested by health professionals. If they do not last for more than a week, contact your doctor.
  • Download Certificate – After taking the first shot of COVID-19 vaccine, download your vaccination certificate from Aarogya Setu App or Co-Win site. Mark in your calendar the second dose of the vaccine. And book an appointment.

After Second Dose

  • Wait for 15-30 Minutes – Just like you wait for 15-30 minutes at the vaccine center, follow the same after you get your second shot.
  • Similar Symptoms – After the second vaccine jab, you may have similar symptoms you experienced after the first dose. If the side effects continue for more than 1-2 days, contact your doctor.
  • Take Preventive Measures – Note that the antibodies develop after the second dose reaches a protective level after 15-20 days. It is therefore important to keep taking preventive measures.
  • Taking Other Vaccines – If you need to take any other vaccine for differ medical condition, it is advisable to keep a gap of 14 days after getting the Covid-19 vaccine shot.
  • Discuss Immunosuppressant – If you have been on immunosuppressant, discuss it with your doctor. It may be that your doctor put the medication on hold for two weeks after you take the vaccine dose.

Bottom Line:

Keep in mind that the coronavirus vaccine is merely a prick. Try to win over your anxiety and nervousness while getting jabbed. Either collect your certificate from the vaccine center or download it from the Co-Win portal. Like a responsible citizen of the country, get vaccinated when your turn comes.

Despite the fact that you have taken both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, taking preventive measures especially in public areas is a must. Continue to wear masks, maintain distance, wash hands and follow safe hygiene practices for self-protection and prevent virus transmission. No coronavirus vaccine guarantees complete immunity.