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Malaria Fever: Know Its Symptoms, Causes, Precautions, and TreatmentMalaria is an acute feverish disease caused by Plasmodium (single-celled parasite) parasites, which are spread to the human body through infected mosquito bites.20-March-2025

Malaria is an acute feverish disease caused by Plasmodium (single-celled parasite) parasites, which are spread to the human body through infected mosquito bites.

Causes of Malaria

One can suffer from this disease if a mosquito infected with the Plasmodium parasite bites. In general, four kinds of malaria parasites are found that infect humans. They are Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae. Since the disease is transmitted, it can also transmit through a transfusion, organ transplant, and use of shared syringes or needles.

Common Symptoms of Malaria

Common signs and symptoms of malaria fever include Fever, Cough, Fatigue, Headache, Tiredness, Shaking chills, Diarrhea, Muscle aches, Rapid heart rate, flu-like illness, Abdominal pain, Rapid breathing, Nausea and vomiting, Muscle or joint pain, and Feeling of discomfort.

Precautions of Malaria

To stay protected from Malaria, you should apply mosquito repellent with diethyltoluamide to exposed skin, use mosquito over the bed while sleeping, put screens on doors and windows, and wear long sleeves and pants to cover your skin. The most important point, keep your area clean. Clean and maintain your cooler.

Malaria Treatment

The good news is treatment is available for malaria. If you think the disease will go away without treatment, you’re wrong. You need to consult a medical practitioner in case you are having symptoms. By taking the right drugs on time, you will be cured. But, the disease will continue and can go from bad to worse if not get treated on time.

Health Insurance Malaria

Treatment is available, but medical costs will be expensive. It is therefore important to choose the health insurance that provides coverage for this vector-borne disease. Coverage under the policy includes inpatient treatment, pre and post-hospitalization, doctor’s fee, ambulance charges, room charges, nursing expenses, medical costs, Annual health checkups (depending on the plan), No Claim Bonus (NCB), and Day care treatment.

Once you get health insurance, you can get cashless treatment at any network hospital. If you want to get treatment in a non-network hospital, then you can get the expenses reimbursed. So, health insurance is a must.