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Is Malaria Treatment Covered Under a Health Insurance? Malaria is one of the deadliest diseases, which is caused by parasites. These parasites transmit to the human body through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It is a curable and preventable disease.20-March-2025

Is Malaria Treatment Covered Under a Health Insurance? Know Its Benefits and Tips to Choose the Right One

Malaria is one of the deadliest diseases, which is caused by parasites. These parasites transmit to the human body through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It is a curable and preventable disease. Its common symptoms include fever, headache, flu-like illness, muscle aches, shaking chills, tiredness, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. This mosquitoes-borne disease also causes jaundice and anemia due to the loss of red blood cells.

The best part is that all the expenses incurred on material treatment are covered by health insurance. It is good to get a comprehensive health insurance policy to cover life-threatening diseases including malaria.

Benefits of Health Insurance For Malaria

There are certain benefits of a health insurance policy:

  • In-patient hospitalization coverage: The key benefit is that it covers medical expenses meaning your insurance provider will pay the hospitalization costs that include ICU charges, nursing charges, doctor’s fees, medicine costs, room rent, etc.
  • Pre & Post-hospitalization: Health insurance also covers pre and post-hospitalization expenses. The number of days varies from policy to policy.
  • Cashless treatment: You can get a cashless treatment facility in-network hospital and a reimbursement facility if treatment is taken in a non-network hospital.

How to Choose the Right Health Insurance for Malaria?

When you choose health insurance for malaria, consider the following points.

  • Faster and hassle-free Claim Process
  • Option to cover the family members
  • Number of network hospitals in your city
  • Premium costs
  • Total inclusions and  exclusion
  • Waiting period for malaria and other diseases
  • Number of days for pre and post hospitalization
  • Pre-medical health check requirement
  • Make sure no co-pay option

In short, insurance companies cover malaria. To pick the best policy, consider all the above points.