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A Comparative Analysis of the Best Diabetic Health Insurance Plans in India A Comparative Analysis of the Best Diabetic Health Insurance Plans in India and Tips on Choosing the Right One17-February-2025

With more than 70 million individuals experiencing the infection, India has become the diabetes capital of the world. According to a recent WHO report and as highlighted by the Financial Express, our nation beats many others with the highest number of diabetic patients. At present, more than 5% of the populace experiences this sickness. With that being stated, a specific diabetic health insurance plan becomes all the more important to avoid financial distress.

Diabetes mellitus, ordinarily known as diabetes, is a metabolic infection that causes high glucose. The chemical insulin moves sugar from the blood into your cells to be put away or utilized for energy. With diabetes, your body either doesn’t make sufficient insulin or can’t adequately utilize its insulin. Untreated high glucose from diabetes can harm your nerves, eyes, kidneys, and various organs. 

There are various types of diabetes: 

  • Type 1 diabetes is an immune system of sickness. The resistant framework assaults and obliterates cells in the pancreas, where insulin is made. It’s muddled what causes this assault. Around 10% of individuals with diabetes have this sort. 
  • Type 2 diabetes happens when your body gets impervious to insulin, and sugar develops in your blood. 
  • Prediabetes happens when your glucose is higher than typical; however, it’s not sufficiently high to determine type 2 diabetes. 
  • Gestational diabetes is high glucose during pregnancy—insulin-hindering chemicals delivered by the placenta cause this kind of diabetes. 

An uncommon condition called diabetes insipidus isn’t identified with diabetes mellitus, in spite of the fact that it has a comparable name. It’s an alternate condition wherein your kidneys eliminate a lot of liquid from your body.

The WHO report further expresses that almost 98 million individuals in India are required to experience the ill effects of diabetes by 2030. There are 70 million diabetics in India today, and the World Health Organization gauges that this number will shoot up by almost 45% to 101 million by 2030. 

The numbers undoubtedly pass on a miserable situation. Another dismal piece of the story is that many people in India consider diabetes an illness with a hereditary inclination and rather neglect to acknowledge that it has become the primary way of life infection throughout the long term. Individuals with uncontrolled diabetes are more inclined to a broad scope of medical problems, including intense cardiovascular infections. 

Benefits of Availing a Diabetic Health Insurance Plan

Having a decent medical coverage strategy turns into even more significant when handling a condition like diabetes. The following are some reasons to opt-in for a diabetic health plan:

1. Cashless Treatment 

Perhaps the main advantages of purchasing a diabetic medical coverage plan are the cashless redemption facilities it gives to the policyholder. During a crisis, you can get admitted to any hospital/medical clinic to benefit from credit-only treatment. With this element set up, you can focus your attention on stressing over medical care costs to healing and recovery. 

2. Covers Day Care Treatment 

This factor is another significant part of having a diabetes protection plan. Most Health Insurance plans cover day-care treatment costs. It is inclusive of multi day-care medicines and is covered under most health care coverage plans. 

3. Takes Care of Pre-and Post-hospitalization Expenses 

Another significant advantage to keep feeling composed during times of emergencies. Diabetic health plans are specific types of health insurance plans, cover pre and post hospitalization expenses, and are always at ease financially.

4. Other Add-ons to Look For 

This add-on will incorporate any semblance of domiciliary hospitalization, dialysis cover (on a for every sitting premise), consumable remittance and emergency vehicle cover if the need emerges. 

Nobody requests living with diabetes except for driving a solid way of life is a decision that you should make. Try not to allow diabetes to disable your spirits; live well notwithstanding of it. While being diagnosed with diabetes can be stressful, you row the boat towards effective care, and the team at Cover360 is here to help you safeguard your health with relevant policies all under one roof!

Comparative Analysis of the Best Diabetic Insurance Plans in India

     Star Health     Diabetes          Safe Plan   ICICI Pru Diabetes Care              Active Plan        HDFC Ergo Energy Health                           Insurance Cover ReligareCare      Freedom Diabetes Health Plan
Eligibility Criteria  Type 2 Diabetes     Type 2 Diabetes or Pre-                        Diabetes                  Type 2 Diabetes      For Insulin                  Dependent
Entry/Exit Age      18-65              25-60                           18-65     28 and above
Sum Assured Amount   Rs. 3 – 10 lakhs Rs. 3 lakhs, Rs. 5 lakhs, or. 10                     lakhs                   Rs. 2-10 Lakhs       Rs. 3 Lakhs
Inclusion Eyes (Diabetic Retinopathy); Kidneys (Diabetic   HbA1c tests, blood pressure              tests, and pulse rate                             measuring         The cost incurred during all                                    hospitalization Domiciliary hospitalization; ambulance cover; dialysis
  Nephropathy); Feet (Diabetic foot ulcer will have to be done every 4th and 8th month of every year that the policy is in force. resulting from diabetes and hypertension (no sub-limits for inpatient pre and post-hospitalization cost coverage         cover 

Components to Consider While Comparing Diabetic Health Plans in India

Having the correct safeguard strategy is fundamental, so you get the most prominent benefits. What’s more, the equivalent applies to diabetes medical coverage. In spite of the fact that there are a couple of Diabetic Health Insurance plans for diabetes patients specifically to browse, one must know how to analyze them and merit the best. While considering a diabetes health plan purchase, there are specific parameters to scour through before ideally settling on one.

So, what are the variables you need to retain? 


The central perspective to consider while picking a diabetic insurance plan is personal and future requirements. A few arrangements cover a particular kind of diabetes. Others are more worried about the age gathering. In any case, you need to pick an arrangement that you are qualified for. 


Once you have a bunch of plans you are qualified for; you need to take a gander at the inclusion they offer. What sort of expenses do they cover? Is it just hospitalization expenses or rescue vehicle costs, as well? Taking an emergency vehicle is regularly priced etc. So pick an arrangement appropriately. 

Section Exit Age

Another central point is the passage exit age. A few plans are just for senior citizens. Others cap their exit age not long before you enter senior citizenship. These are measures organizations take with the goal that they don’t bring about gigantic misfortunes. 

Plan Duration or Term

It is a period for how long your arrangement is set up. Picking a diabetic insurance plan with a more drawn out approach term gives you inclusion for a more expanded period. 

Total Sum Assured

The essential explanation individuals pick protection is that it goes about as a paid cover. Furthermore, this is as the aggregate guaranteed. What’s more, various plans offer diverse base aggregates. 

Added Benefits

Some organizations offer advantages on the total guaranteed. On the off chance that you don’t guarantee diabetes protection inside the preceding year, they may expand your guarantee by 10%. This is a distinct advantage and gives you longer, better inclusion. 


Like the base total/sum assured, the exceptional amount you need to pay additionally varies. Analyzing this is fundamental.

Holding-up Period

Like other protection approaches, diabetes insurance plan additionally has a holding up period. Truth be told, the customary plans can have a holding up period up to 2-4 years for prior diseases. In any case, a few suppliers don’t have a holding up period. Others will defer this provision for an expense or an expanded premium. In any case, representing the holding-up period while picking your plan, proves to be a smart thought. 

Free Look Period

This is the time when you can evaluate your plan free of charge and check whether it is the ideal plan you are searching for. This is generally for 15 days, for example, fourteen days. A few plans offer this, and some don’t. 

India had the second-most noteworthy rate of diabetes in 2019 after China as established by the Economic Times.

Diabetes is perhaps the deadliest illness known today. It is additionally quite possibly the most costly with medicines entering lakhs. Picking the ideal diabetes medical plan relies upon a ton of elements. While the entirety of sum assured guarantee, requirement and other such factors matter, these are by all account not the only ones.

Cover 360, is a complete health insurance services platform that offers all the information, comparison facility and easy buying options for all the available diabetes health insurance policies in India.

The trustworthy one-stop solution makes health insurance policy comparison more accessible than ever. It helps place the jigsaw’s missing parts to complement your pricing needs, treatment coverage, and relevant add-on requirement holistically.

Here is how Cover 360 accommodates you while purchasing your Diabetic Health Insurance Plan:

  • The platform provides users with the ease of customizing their insurance plans as per requirement.
  • With stellar insurance comparison algorithms, you can compare health insurance online across a list of insurance providers making it one of the fastest and most trustworthy platforms to safeguard yourself against life-threatening diseases.
  • Not only does Cover 360 provide expert advice on various health insurance plans and suggests the best insurance providers in India, but they also help you save substantially on your diabetic health insurance plan.
  • A hassle-free insurance purchase experience, backed by quick and reliable payment methods to help you save effort and time is what Cover 360 strives to deliver.
  • Backed by simple and convenient processes, Cover 360 additionally provides the facility of document pickup and delivery right to your doorstep.
  • Cover 360 provides an easy to understand interface while picking diabetes health insurance that provides you with all the information you require to help you steer towards the right decision.

Your Diabetes health plan purchase on Cover 360, comes with the added perk of ease of claim redressals, so you can sit back and relax and enjoy a hassle-free experience. On a lighter note, take avid care of yourself, maintain a healthy lifestyle, live stress-free and remember Cover 360 is always here for all your insurance requirements on the health front!